Advent Calendar
Dec 19, '14
Fun(ny) Tanks: The BBQ
The American tank destroyer T18 not only looks like a BBQ it will also roast your enemies. The tanker Mouse Hunter introduces you to the steel box which is famous for its tough armor. What are the downsides of the BBQ?
- Frontal plate and other armor (0:40)
- Howitzer, the derp (1:45)
- Speedy and sluggish (2:25)
- Bad sniper, good sniper (3:05)
- The little heavy tank (4:10)
- Hot equipment (5:59)
- Improving the crew (7:05)
Advent Calendar
Dec 17, '14
Tricky Tanks: Cat Out of Hell
Why would the fast Hellcat with its great gun be tricky? The tanker Mouse Hunter disarms the pitfalls on the way to victory. Several battle scenes help to explain how to play the Hellcat — and how not.
- Battling is not racing (0:44)
- A tank destroyer it is (1:10)
- Speed is your armor (2:11)
- A pleasurable gun (4:00)
- What not to do (4:31)
- Getting closer to the action (5:22)
- Improving your Hellcat (6:07)
Advent Calendar
Dec 15, '14
Save Every Coin and Credit
Why do you need so many credits? The tanker Mouse Hunter answers not only the question of why, but also gives tips and tricks on how to save credits. How much do you need for your next tank?
- Currencies in W.o.T. (0:35)
- Why do you need so much credits? (1:09)
- Missions and specials (1:54)
- Spending and saving credits (3:23)
- Training the crew (4:47)
- Tank service (6:43)
- Equipment (9:05)
Advent Calendar
Dec 14, '14
Fun(ny) Tanks: The Duck
Can this duck fly? Not this one, because it is only the nickname for the AMX 40, the French tier IV light tank. The tanker Mouse Hunter reveals the strengths and weaknesses of this unique tank. When will you fly out?
- Flying fast (1:25)
- The gun, oh, the gun
- Let the shells be bouncy
- How to play the Duck (3:36)

Advent Calendar
Dec 12, '14
Epicene Tanks: VK 36.01 (H)
Now what is an epicene tank? The tanker Mouse Hunter takes a look at tanks that are classified as one type, but also show charateristics of another type. How would you describe the VK 36.01 (H)?
- The derp, the armor, and the speed (0:42)
- The old tale of a German midi (2:52)
- The big gun (3:48)
- Gun details (4:53)
- The medium gun and how to play (5:29)
Advent Calendar
Dec 10, '14
When to Mount a Derp Gun
Who does not dream of a powerful gun? The tanker Mouse Hunter explains the differences between a derp and a standard gun, and how you will have to battle with a derp gun. When will you equip your tank with a derp gun?
- Downsides of a derp gun (0:46)
- High alpha damage (2:23)
- KV-2 sniper test (3:08)
- Explosion, splash, and bouncing (3:37)
- Just one more… (5:30)
- Play style with a derp gun (6:33)
Advent Calendar
Dec 9, '14
Dandy Tanks: BDR G1 B
What is a dandy tank? The tanker Mouse Hunter introduces you to the easy-to-play French heavy tank BDR G1 B. See it in action and find out how to set up equipment and crew.
- BDR G1 B in action (0:33)
- How to equip the tank (5:38)
- Selecting crew skills (6:54)
Advent Calendar
Dec 8, '14
Move Your Butt
What is that suppose to mean? The tanker Mouse Hunter points out one of the biggest mistakes tankers can do: camping. In some battle scenes he also shows how to avoid this.
- Why rolling out is important (0:50)
- Keep moving in battle (1:30)
- The role of each tank type (3:34)
- How to scout (4:45)
- Staying behind in a TD (7:28)
Advent Calendar
Dec 6, '14
Best Non-Premium Money Makers
How many credits do you need for your next tank? The tanker Mouse Hunter sheds some light on non-premium tanks to find the best money makers. The datas provided by reveal some surprising results.
- British money makers (1:16)
- French money makers (2:05)
- American disappointment (2:35)
- Russian steel to make silver (2:59)
- And the winner is… (3:40)
Advent Calendar
Dec 5, '14
Get Started with Artillery
How is artillery different from other tanks? The tanker Mouse Hunter introduces you to the game play with a tier II artillery. Set up an artillery and plunge into battle. How is your artillery experience?
- Prepare your artillery (0:50)
- The bird's-eye view of artillery (3:00)
- Arty player's requirements (4:29)
- More useful tips (5:55)
Advent Calendar
Dec 4, '14
Which Tank Line to Go Down
How can you find great tanks quickly? The tanker Mouse Hunter guides you through the tech trees that offer the most opportunities. Now you can get vehicles of all kinds faster. Which will be your favorite tank line?
- How to research less to get more (0:45)
- The British tech tree (1:20)
- The American tech tree (2:40)
- The confusing German tree (3:44)
- Variety of the Russian heavy line (5:15)
- Opportunities of the Russian midi line (7:18)
Advent Calendar
Dec 3, '14
How to Play Artillery Platoon
How can platoon mates support each other? The tankers Mouse Hunter and Scary Shell give some tips and show in battle how to help not only the team but also each other.
- Keep in contact (0:30)
- Attacking the same target (1:25)
- Arty warning system
- Same tier or not? (5:03)
- Low tier arty vs high tier enemies (6:09)
- Extreme test for little arty (7:34)
- The Pz. I C incident

Advent Calendar
Dec 2, '14
What to Do with a Tier I Tank
Do you know the answer in every detail? The tanker Mouse Hunter explains every aspect from gaining experience to selling the tank. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn everything you need to know. What would you do with your tank crew?
- Gaining the first experience (1:45)
- Researching the first modules (4:42)
- Gaining more experience (7:21)
- Researching the entire tank (12:30)
- What is an elite tank? (14:03)
- Selling the tank (15:00)
- What to do with the crew (16:30)
- Buying a new tank (18:01)
Advent Calendar
Dec 1, '14
How to Angle and Sidecrape a Tank
Ever wondered why you can't penetrate weaker enemies? The tankers Mouse Hunter and Scary Shell explain and demonstrate the technique of angling a tank. Sidescraping is a well-known trick that uses angling. But how does it really work?
- The math behind angling (0:46)
- Angling the hull (1:49)
- Angling the turret (2:52)
- Sidescraping (3:59)
- Sidescrape duel (6:13)
- Traps in a real battle (7:25)